- fix så MonsterWaypoint virker (game class) Done: - Configurable monster skill & damage - Shops has 3 configurable entering sounds - InfoTrigger has configurable triggering sound - HUD 90% - Spiritual shop 99% done - trigger actor made to trigger the shop on HUD, has mapper definable ShopName - Upgrade Max Health (up to 1000) - Ammo Regain (up to 40) - Light Radius points (up to 100) - Health Regain (up to 25) - Add to damage skill (up to 100) - Reduce damage skill (up to 75) - Weapon shop 99% done - Lawgiver (enhanced enforcer) - Railgun (enhanced minigun) - Headremover (enhanced sniper rifle) - Instigator (enhanced shockrifle) - Shredder (enhanced flakcannon) - Blaster (enhanced eightball) - SB 90% - Bonus Pickups, dropped when monster is killed (0=Drop none, 1=Drop little, 2=Drop some, 3=Drop many, 4=Drop a lot & 5=Spam items) - Armor - Armor2 (100 points) - SuperArmor2 (200 points) - Shielding (500 points) - Gold - drops 1 to 10 pieces randomly - Health - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100 & Max health - Weapons - All Unreal (except Quadshot) - All UT - Ammo - All Unreal - All UT - Souls, spawns from a monsters dead body unless it's blewn to pieces. Lasts 30 seconds. - Booby traps - Mines, monsters have configurable % chance of dropping a mine when killed, can be on/off. to do: - Equipment shop (uses gold as payment) - Items to buy - Ammo boxes for all default weapons - Jumpboots - Armor - Armor2 - SuperArmor2 - Shielding - lots of new maps + SHOPS in them!!! - mappers tutorial