Les services de Lagout.org ont un certain coût. Pour qu'ils continuent, les dons sont les bienvenus. Merci !
The services of lagout.org cost some bucks every months. To keep 'em alive, donations are very welcome, thanks !
../ 01 - Weapon Modeling.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:05 76M 02 - UV Coordinates.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:06 78M 03 - Texture Painting.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:20 108M 04 - Texture Lighting.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:11 36M 05 - Weapon Animation.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:15 30M 06 - MAXScript - Exporter.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:25 74M 07 - Importing Into UT.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:23 25M 08 - Default Properties.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:26 20M 09 - Coding the Fire.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:28 24M 10 - New Projectile.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:27 11M 11 - Coding the AltFire.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:31 32M 12 - ActorX - Alt Exporter.rar 05-Apr-2019 19:30 20M